“I am totally in love with the Northern Saw-Whet Owl. I had the unique opportunity of attending the Prince Edward County Bird Observatory’s event on a recent fall night where we gently captured and tagged these beautiful little owls.
We can learn much from our feathered friends. I admire the work that our local bird observatory does. Migrating birds can teach us a great deal about biodiversity and the ecosystems that sustain us. The scientific data PEPtBO collects contributes to local, national and international action to protect and manage key habitat and to reduce threats along migratory pathways. Their advocacy and educational programs encourage avian conservation action and support for nature.” - Susan Wallis
This new series focuses on owls and highlights the soul and personality of each little one. I love how much birds can teach us about our ecoystem.
Are you interested in buying a painting from this series? Check out my availability by Gallery representation and also my online store. If you would like to commission an art piece, contact me, Susan Wallis for my details.
Moon watcher #1 6 x 6” $285.00, sold
WHOM? 24 x 6” $485 SOLD
MOON OWL 24 x 6” $485, sold
MOON Watcher 2, 10 x 10”, $450.00, sold
Who goes there? 10 x 10” $450.00 SOLD
You me and the moon, 12 x 12, $485.00 NFS