Painting of the Month-July 2022
"From a Distance" 24 x 72 in
"My horizon on humanity is enlarged by reading the writers of poems, seeing a painting, listening to some music, some opera, which has nothing at all to do with a volatile human condition or struggle or whatever."
-Wole Soyinka.
During these times of change and uncertainty, the importance of the arts is so crticial to the human soul. I take refuge in the time I spend creating and treasure those around me who also create through their medium of choice.
In this painting, "From a Distance" the horizon is a key element. I create depth by breaking up the horizon line. This draws the eye of viewer into the distance. What lies beyond? What does the future hold? Using a palette of soft blues and greens I hope to evoke a sence of peace. Peace with the present and with what the future may hold.