Painting of the Month- April 2022

"Nature's Markings, 12" x 12" $485

With Spring comes the arrival of the bird's nest.  What a miraculous feat of avian architecture.  I am always amazed at the resourcefulness of the bird.  How it can take from the environment to build these places of refuge and yet leave  nature so seemingly  untouched. 
 The unique markings on the egg shell is made by pigments excreted by glands as the egg descends down the mother bird's oviduct.   The egg will end up speckled,  spotted or even have wavy lines.  These pigments dry on contact with air. When the egg is finally laid, the end result is a near-perfectly camouflaged egg.

This work along with others will be on display at Melt Studio and Gallery during the Renewal Show on till May 22nd.

Happy Spring Everyone! -Susan


Painting of the Month -May


Painting of the Month- March